Is Essiac Valerian Tea For Cancer Treatment and Prevention Effective?

The healing benefits Of essiac tea are a controversial topic for more than 90 years. Drinking essiac herbal tea as a cure for cancer or in combination with chemotherapy and radiation is still an extremely controversial subject today. If You are not Familiar with all the benefits of this herbal tea, allow me to explain about this alternative treatment that lots of holistic practitioners recommend for many kinds of cancer. This tea is a combination of four herbs; burdock root (arctium lappa), turkey rhubarb root (rheum palmatum), sheep sorrel (rumex acetosella), and the inner bark of slippery elm (ulmus fulva or ulmus rubra).

From the early 1900’s a young Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse was treating patients with cancer. She met with an elderly female that was diagnosed with advanced stage breast cancer. This woman was recovering despite her poor prognosis. Her secret was an herbal tea given to her by an Ojibwa Indian healer. Nurse Caisse was so impressed she began to investigate others who had tried this tea to fight cancer. She discovered that this tea had significant healing abilities.

The important Ingredients in this herbal combination are:

  • Sheep sorrel

  • Burdock root

  • Turkey rhubarb root

  • Slippery elm

Nurse Caisse spent the next 50 years treating others with this Valerian Tea. The sheep sorrel and the burdock root are the components which have been found to kill cancer cells. The turkey rhubarb root and the slippery elm bark help enhance and boost the immune system.

Nurse Caisse treated Both her mother and her aunt with essiac tea, as both were diagnosed with late stage forms of cancer. Both survived and lived into their 90’s after being successfully treated with this herbal combination. Many cancer patients sought this therapy as a final attempt to overcome their cancer. Many were reported to be rid of the cancer following their treatment using essiac.

This four herb mix is Presently being regarded as a Stage III cancer treatment. This means it is a powerful enough treatment to help out with fighting the more reasonably advanced cancers, but not powerful enough to be used for treating later stages of cancer. Needless to say, this does not imply that future research would not advance the degree of the herbal tea to first line of treatment if results prove it a worthy competitor against cancer. It Is important to remember that this herb mix is all natural and does not contain any preservatives. It is essential that any person that begins treating themselves with essiac tea, should consult with their doctor. Herbs, the same as any medication, can cause adverse reactions or interact with other drugs. Just as it is an all natural solution, does not mean it is secure when mixed with other compounds.

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